Announcement to the shareholders of AS "Kurzemes ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija"
AS Kurzemes ciltslietu un māklīgās apsēklošanas stacija (hereinafter - AS Kurzemes CMAS) informs that on 26 Aril 2023 the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders was held, the notice of which given to the shareholders in accordance with the Commercial Law.
The Meeting of Shareholders adopted a dicision to renounce and cancel the paper share certificates.
The shareholders is obliged to present the share certicate in its possession to the Board of AS Kurzemes CMAS by 20 August 2023 and to update the data on the sharehoders to be entered in the register of sharehoders: 1. name, surname, personal identity number (if the person does not have a personal identity number - date of birth, number and date of issue of the personal identity document, country and institution that issued the document); 2. the address at which he or she can be reached; 3. an electronic mail address; 4. a telephone number; 5. bank account number; 6. information on possible links to a politically exposed person.
After 20 August 2023, the shares will be deemed to be non-owners property and will become to property of AS Kurzemes CMAS if: 1. the shareholder has not submitted a share certificate to the Board of AS Kurzemes CMAS; 2. the shareholder has not provided the required (identifying) information about the shareholder to the Board of AS Kurzemes CMAS; 3. the shareholder has not exercised his or her shareholder rights and perfomed his or her obligations under the Articles of Association for a long period of time (at least ten years).
Please contact us by e-mail, address: "Kurzemes CMAS", Jaunpils Parish, Tukuma Municipality, LV-3145, phone +371 20223144.
Board of AS Kurzemes CMAS